Cultivation Tips

Five Benefits of Garlic for Vannamei Shrimp

Kalyca Krisandini
Kalyca Krisandini
17 October 2024
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The benefits of garlic for vannamei shrimp farming appear to be quite significant. Garlic extract serves as a natural antibiotic, helps in disease treatment, increases hemocyte count, and promotes shrimp growth.

Learn more about the benefits of garlic for vannamei shrimp farming below.

Benefits of Garlic for Shrimp

Garlic (Allium sativum) contains various beneficial components for shrimp, including bioactive compounds, allicin, and inulin. These contents have favorable effects on shrimp.

Slows the formation of black spots

Shrimp removed from water will undergo an enzymatic oxidation reaction, specifically the activity of the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme. This reaction leads to black spots formation on the shrimp's body, which may lower its economic value.

Garlic extract can help to slow the formation of these black spots. Polyphenols, which are bioactive compounds found in shrimp, play a crucial part in this process.

Helps in treating disease

Garlic is a natural immunostimulant that can help treat White Feces Disease or WFD. Garlic extract contains allicin, which helps boost shrimp immunity. To reap this effect, farmers can mix garlic extract with shrimp feed.

Increases shrimp hemocyte count

Hemocytes are blood cells that are also part of the vannamei shrimp's immune system. Encapsulation, nodulation, and phagocytosis are all processes that hemocytes are responsible for. A high hemocyte count suggests a good level of health.

Research conducted by Gafur, Hadijah, dan Budi (2023) found that garlic extract increases the hemocytes count in shrimp. The dose applied was 10% of 1 kilogram of feed, and it was given for 25 days.

Serves as natural antibiotics

Garlic is not just an immunostimulant, but it is also a natural antibiotic that can help in treating WFD. In the long term, garlic extract can boost immune response and give a positive impact on shrimp survival rate (SR).

Promotes shrimp growth

Garlic's high inulin content can enhance feed nutrients. The higher the availability of feed nutrients, the more likely shrimp will absorb them. This will definitely have a positive impact on its growth.


Benefits of garlic for vannamei shrimp cannot be separated from its contents, which includes bioactive compounds, allicin, and inulin. Garlic has at least five benefits for vannamei shrimp farming, such as

  • Slows the formation of black spots
  • Helps in treating disease
  • Increases shrimp hemocytes count
  • Serves as a natural antibiotic
  • Promotes shrimp growth

The addition of garlic extract is one of the cultivation treatments that should be considered besides mineral application. To identify the impact, make sure to record every treatment application on JALA App, the shrimp farm management app.

JALA App enables you to record 40+ cultivation parameters, monitor them in real time, and examine its analysis. You can determine the best step for your cultivation from the data-driven insights in the application.

You can start using JALA App right away by signing up at and downloading the mobile version from Google Play Store or App Store. Try it today!


Gafur, A., Hadijah, Budi, S. (2023). Performa Hematologis Udang Vannamei Litopaneus vanname Yang Diberi Eksrak Bawang Putih Alium sativum Dosis Berbeda. Journal of Aquaculture and Environment, 6(1), 17-21.

Yuniarti, dkk. (2018). Aplikasi Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih Memperlambat Pembentukan Bintik Hitam pada Udang Vaname. Jurnal Penyuluhan Perikanan dan Kelautan, 12(2), 65-79.

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