In shrimp farm cultivation, the feeding of vannamei shrimp is one of the crucial aspects that needs to be done correctly by farmers. Proper feeding helps shrimp obtain the necessary nutrients for optimal growth. Additionally, shrimp feed takes up the largest operational cost in ponds, accounting for approximately 50-70% of the total expenses in each cycle.
Given the importance of feed and the significant cost involved, it is crucial for farmers to understand the proper method of feeding vannamei shrimp in their ponds. Read on for the complete feeding guide in this article!
Why Should You Understand the Right Feeding Practices for Shrimp?
Effective feeding practices means adjusting it with shrimp age and weight to maximize shrimp growth. Errors in determining the amount and frequency of feeding can lead to harvest failures.
On the other hand, feed is also the main cause for 60% of issues that happen in the farm due to accumulation of organic waste. The side effect of overfeeding is the accumulation of uneaten feed at the bottom of the pond, increasing the production of waste compounds such as ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. During periods of low dissolved oxygen concentration, blooming algae might also occur.
How to Feed Vannamei Shrimp based on Age
Shrimp feed comes in several types, namely powder, crumble, and pellet in varying sizes. Here is the formula for feeding vannamei shrimp based on shrimp age:
1. DoC 1-15 days
Shrimp at 1-15 days of age typically weigh between 0.1-1 gram. For shrimp at this age, the recommended feed is powder type with a feeding frequency of 3 times a day.
2. DoC 16-45 days
At DoC 16-45 days, shrimp’s weight typically reaches 5 grams. The recommended type of feed is crumble feed given 4 times a day.
3. DoC 45-75 days
Shrimp at 45-75 days of age weigh 5-14 grams. They can still be given crumble feed, but with a higher frequency, particularly 5 times a day.
4. DoC 75-90 days
For adult shrimp, pellet feed can be given. The frequency is 5 times a day.
To help determine the amount of required feed in detail, Feeding Rate or FR table. With the help of this table, farmers can avoid overfeeding or underfeeding.
Tips for Proper Shrimp Feeding
Aside from adjusting the type and frequency of feeding using the guide above, here are some more tips for effective feeding.
1. Measure Water Quality Parameters
There are several important water quality parameters to monitor when it comes to feeding, namely dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature. Shrimp appetite decreases if DO levels are below 4 ppm and they stop eating when DO drops below 2 ppm. Optimal temperature for feeding ranges from 26-32°C. Shrimp feeding rate increases with rising temperature, so feeding programs need to be adjusted based on weather.
2. Mix the Feed with Water
Feeding can also be done by mixing feed with water, especially for powder feed, to ensure even distribution, quick sinking, and preventing feed from being easily carried away by water. Mixing with water also helps prevent the feed from being blown away by the wind before spreading it in the pond. After wetting the feed, spread them around the pond and make sure they are spread evenly.
Read more: Feed Additive and Its Roles in Shrimp Farming
3. Check Feeding Trays
Feeding trays can help monitor shrimp appetite. The best position for feeding trays is on a flat surface in the farm such as the bottom of the pond, where the water currents are low.
If there is remaining feed in the feeding tray during checking, the next feeding amount can be reduced by 10% under similar weather and conditions. On the other hand, if there is no remaining feed in the tray and some shrimp are present in the tray, the same amount of feed can be used for the next feeding time.
Read more: Does Weekly Sampling Really Cause Losses in Shrimp Farms?
Also, if there is no remaining feed but only few or no shrimp is found on the tray, the amount of feed for the next feeding can be increased by about 5%, again considering similar water and weather conditions.
Feeding vannamei shrimp according to age can be done with the following guidelines:
- DoC 1-15 days: The recommended feed type is powder at a frequency of 3 times a day.
- DoC 16-45 days: The recommended feed type is crumble at a frequency of 4 times a day.
- DoC 45-75 days: The recommended feed type is crumble at a frequency of 5 times a day.
- DoC 75-90 days: The recommended feed type is pellet at a frequency of 5 times a day.
To help farmers remember when to feed their shrimp and how much feed is needed, farmers can use JALA App. With JALA App, farmers can not only input feed data regularly and in detail, but also record various other important cultivation parameters. Additionally, farmers need to regularly measure and monitor water quality, as the amount of feed required varies with different water conditions.
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