The shrimp industry contributes significantly to aquaculture in Indonesia with a percentage over 40%. The strong potential of Indonesian shrimp farming is supported by its geographical condition, which is dominated by water, and the tropical climate. However, obstacles continue to hinder Indonesia’s shrimp farming productivity throughout 2022, from declining shrimp prices to disease problems.
Emerging from this issue, JALA, as an end-to-end solution for shrimp farming, held Shrimp Outlook 2023. This event served as a way to see the shrimp farming condition in Indonesia in 2022 and discuss the strategies to overcome challenges in 2023.
Collaborating with Shrimp Club Indonesia (SCI), Shrimp Outlook 2023 was successfully held on Thursday, January 26, 2022, at the JW Marriott Hotel Surabaya. This event was attended by 55 people consisting of the SCI Expert Council, representatives of Fisheries and Marine Service, and shrimp farmers. In addition, 124 people tuned in to the event through live streaming.
Panel Discussion by SCI Expert Council
Before proceeding to the main event or the speaking session, Shrimp Outlook 2023 began with a panel discussion based on the SCI Expert Council’s meeting which was held on the previous day. This panel discussion was delivered by Prof. Haryanti, M.S. and Ir. Maskur, M. Si, and moderated by Aryo Wiryawan.
There were three points that were highlighted in this panel discussion. The first one is the standardization of laboratory equipment and analysis methods. The aim is the uniformity of the test result explanation. Second, the establishment of Shrimp School/Academy which aims to train reliable and knowledgeable technicians. Third, the establishment of cultivation SOP as a guide to ensure cultivation productivity and sustainability.
Shrimp Outlook 2023
The speaking session of Shrimp Outlook 2023 featured four speakers who shared insights about cultivation performance and plans for 2023. Those four speakers are Liris Maduningtyas (CEO of JALA), Supito, S.Pi., M.Si. (Head of BBPBAP Jepara), Haris Muhtadi (Chairman of SCI), and Sidrotun Naim, Ph.D., M.P.A. (Shrimp Health Specialist).
Liris Maduningtyas as the CEO of JALA presented the condition of the shrimp industry in 2022 based on data collected from JALA App. Liris revealed that shrimp farming productivity was declining from the previous year. One of the causes for this decline is the Survival Rate (SR) performance which also declined. JALA also provided several recommendations as a solution to deal with the cultivation dynamics in 2023.
Furthermore, Supito, S.Pi., M.Si. as the Head of BBPBAP Jepara and the representative of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries also delivered the Ministry’s main program plans to increase Indonesian shrimp production, namely pond revitalization and modeling of cultivation area. These programs must be balanced with environmental control in order to remain sustainable.
Meanwhile, Haris Muhtadi as the Chairman of SCI, addressed the global challenges of the shrimp industry. Due to increased competition among shrimp-producing countries, Indonesia has dropped to the fifth place. Looking at this situation, SCI has developed several programs to support Indonesia’s shrimp productivity. Some of them are providing shrimp farming technical training and promoting domestic shrimp consumption.
Shrimp disease was also a highlighted discussion in Shrimp Outlook 2023. It was presented by Sidrotun Naim, Ph.D., M.P.A., a Shrimp Health Specialist. Naim advised that the shrimp's health should be checked on a regular basis, and that the detection be done in a laboratory so that the results are more accurate. In dealing with disease, applying treatment to shrimp as soon as possible would be very beneficial.
Shrimp Outlook 2023 is a reflection of the shrimp industry’s condition throughout 2022. This event is also expected to provide guidance for more productive and efficient shrimp farming in 2023.
If you haven’t had a chance to tune in to Shrimp Outlook 2023’s live stream yet, worry not! You can watch the rerun on JALA’s YouTube channel. Make sure to follow @jalaindonesia on Instagram to stay up to date on other interesting events from JALA.