Cultivation Tips

5 Benefits of EM4 for Shrimp Farms and Its Dosage

Kalyca Krisandini
Kalyca Krisandini
14 December 2024
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EM4 for shrimp farms is a probiotic made from a culture of microorganisms that can be used in shrimp farming. These microorganisms are beneficial for shrimp immunity and growth, organic matter fermentation in ponds, and decomposition of harmful gases.

In addition to fertilizer application, probiotics are also a beneficial treatment. Probiotics have an important function in maintaining shrimp health and enhancing water quality. It can be used to manipulate the population of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, and plankton) in ponds, reducing organic waste.

What about the EM4, which is one of the results of microorganism culture? Find the answer in the following section.

5 Benefits of EM4 for Shrimp Farms

As one of cultivation treatments, EM4 for shrimp farms has various benefits, including

  • Increasing shrimp immunity
  • Maintaining the environmental quality
  • Increasing shrimp growth and size
  • Fermenting waste and leftover feed at pond base
  • Decomposing ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide gases

EM4 Dosage

EM4 can be applied during the preparation period, specifically when preparing the pond base, or when cultivation is underway.

Pond base preparation

  1. Dry and plow the soil in the pond area then soak it in water to a depth of 20 cm.
  2. Pour 6 liters/ha EM4 into the pond area.
  3. Leave it for 4-7 days, then dry it for another 4 days.
  4. Apply 300 kg/ha lime and 250 kg/ha bokashi fertilizer.
  5. Fill the pond with water to a depth of 20 cm.
  6. Pour 6 liters/ha of EM4 back into the pond area and let it sit for a week.
  7. Add water until the water depth reaches 60-80 cm.
  8. Pour 6-8 liters/ha EM4.
  9. Leave it for 1 week until the shrimp fry are stocked.


Once the shrimp fry reach one month old, pour EM4 to the pond at a dose of 1-3 ppm/ha once a week. You can also do this when changing the water by considering the water conditions.

Please keep in mind that 1 ppm equals a 1:1.000.000 scale. For example, if the water depth is 60 cm, the EM4 dose is 6 liters/ha, meanwhile if the water depth is 80 cm, the EM4 dose is 8 liters/ha.


EM4 is a probiotic containing the results of microorganism cultures. As a cultivation treatment, EM4 has five main benefits for shrimp farms, including

  • Increasing shrimp immunity
  • Maintaining the environmental quality
  • Increasing shrimp growth and size
  • Fermenting waste and leftover feed at pond base
  • Decomposing ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide gases

Like other cultivation treatments, EM4 utilization must be recorded and monitored to fully understand its impact on cultivation. You can utilize JALA App, a shrimp farm management application from JALA.

Not only does it help to record and monitor cultivation, JALA App also allows you to

  • Analyze cultivation performance
  • View the biomass, feed, and harvest estimates
  • View the current shrimp price trends
  • Monitor moon phases to anticipate molting
  • And many more!

Interested in using JALA App? Start today by registering at and download the mobile application from the Google Play Store or App Store.

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