JALA held an online book review of My Book My Adventure Back to Nature Methode by Nunk Daman Noor in the Telegram group ‘Kawan JALA’ on Wednesday (06/15/2022). In general, this book contains useful shrimp farming solutions based on Nunk Daman Noor’s personal experience working in aquaculture for many years.
Nunk Daman Noor, the author of "My Book My Adventure Back to Nature Methode"
The outline of this book was discussed by Endra Arif, JALA’s Customer Success Manager. Endra highlights the important parts that farmers can use as a reference in cultivation. Two of them are the advantages of minerals and natural materials in shrimp farming.
The Highlights of the Book Review
The discussion of Rendaman Sakti is one of the book’s highlights. Rendaman Sakti, according to the author, is one of the measures to address the mineral needs of shrimp ponds and stimulate plankton growth. As a result, shrimp metabolism can be improved if the mineral content is also maintained. Rendaman Sakti can also be an effective solution to treat shrimp with myo disease. Nunk Daman Noor’s claim about the formula is supported by testimonials from other shrimp farmers who have tried it and confirmed its effectiveness.
Endra also discussed the usage of natural materials in shrimp ponds, which was mentioned in the book, in addition to the Rendaman Sakti. According to Nunk Daman Noor, various natural components, such as Kepok banana, Meniran, and Betel leaf, can be used as an alternative cultivation treatment. This treatment is used to avoid the use of toxic chemicals. As a result, these natural materials were found to be effective in stimulating shrimp immunity.
A question and answer session as well as discussion followed the My Book My Adventure Back to Nature Methode Book Review. As demonstrated by the numerous questions raised, the participants enthusiastically engaged in this activity.
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