Cultivation Tips

The Close Relation between Lime and Molting Cycle

Kalyca Krisandini
Kalyca Krisandini
20 March 2025
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Molting or shell shedding is a natural process in the life cycle of shrimp, including vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). This process occurs periodically, and one of the factors for its success is lime.

Lime application is one of the most common treatments used in shrimp farming. Lime has been found to have a significant impact on shrimp growth and molting intensity.

What types of lime can affect the molting cycle and what are its roles? Find the answer in the discussion below.

Types of Lime for the Molting Cycle

There are three types of lime that are often used as treatments in shrimp cultivation, mainly to help the molting process. Those three types of lime include

Quicklime (CaO)

Quicklime is used to increase the availability of calcium and minerals in pond water. Calcium is essential for the development of carapace in shrimp during molting. However, quicklime dosage should be carefully considered because it has a relatively extreme impact on pH.

Dolomite (CaMg(CO₃)₂)

Dolomite contains calcium and magnesium, which are essential for the molting process of the shrimp. Magnesium aids in the development of enzymes that play a role in calcium metabolism and carapace formation. Dolomite also boosts plankton growth and maintains water stability.

Limestone (CaCO₃)

Limestone contains calcium carbonate, which boosts the concentration of calcium in the water and promotes the formation of new shrimp shells. Calcium in this type of lime binds H ions in the water, increasing pH and stabilizing it.

The Role of Lime in the Molting Cycle

Lime application has several crucial roles in the shrimp molting cycle, from providing calcium to reducing stress during molting. Read the following discussion:

Providing Calcium for New Carapace

Quicklime, dolomite, and limestone provide the calcium needed for the formation of shrimp carapace. Sufficient calcium levels are required to strengthen the new shrimp carapace when the molting process is completed.

Maintaining Shrimp Health

Lime also regulates the water quality, maintains a stable pH, and provides other microelements that support overall shrimp health. These three functions allow the molting process to occur smoothly.

Reducing Stress in Shrimp

Lime helps reduce stress in shrimp, particularly during the molting phase. Stress may inhibit successful molting and cause damage to the carapace.

Dangers of Lime Deficiency in the Molting Cycle

Shrimp are more susceptible to disease during the molting phase because they lose protection from the shed old shell. Therefore, the availability of lime in pond water is crucial to support the molting process.

If shrimp lack lime during the molting process, there are several risks that arise, including

Weak Carapace

If there is a deficiency of calcium from lime, the new carapace formed after molting becomes more fragile and easily fractured, whereas the shrimp carapace serves as a protector of its body against predators and physical damage. Weak carapace may reduce shrimp’s resistance to the environment.

Incomplete Molting

Calcium deficiency may cause incomplete shell shedding, trapping shrimp in their old carapace. As a result, shrimp growth can be disrupted and the shrimp may develop deformities and even die.

Increased Risk of Disease

Weak carapace and incomplete molting make the shrimp’s body vulnerable and lack protection. As a result, shrimp are more susceptible to disease.

Triggers Stress in Shrimp

Disrupted shell shedding may raise stress levels in shrimp. If shrimp are stressed, their immune system will weaken.


One of the treatments that affects the success of molting in shrimp is lime application. Quicklime, dolomite, and limestone are types of lime that play important roles in the molting process.

The primary roles of lime for the molting process include

  • Providing calcium for new carapace
  • Maintaining shrimp health
  • Reducing stress on shrimp

Meanwhile, if there is a deficiency of lime, the following impacts may occur:

  • Weak carapace
  • Incomplete molting
  • Increased risk of disease
  • Stress in shrimp

Given the importance of lime in cultivation, particularly during the shrimp molting cycle, you need to monitor this treatment regularly. Make notes every time you apply treatment to ensure its effectiveness.

To accommodate recording and monitoring, JALA App exists as a convenient shrimp farming management application. In addition to recording and monitoring, JALA App allows you to gain a deeper understanding of cultivation conditions.

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