Cultivation Tips

The Morphology of Vannamei Shrimp that You Need to Know

10 October 2024
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Vannamei shrimp is one of the popular commodities that is cultivated in Indonesia. Although considered a marine shrimp, vannamei shrimp thrives well in brackish cultivation environments. If you are interested in cultivating vannamei shrimp, you first need to get familiar with the morphology or structure and body parts of vannamei shrimp. Learn the full details in this article!

External Morphology of Vannamei Shrimp

Image of vannamei shrimp morphology

The external morphology of vannamei shrimp can be classified into two parts, the head and the body. The head is merged with the thorax, hence it is known as the cephalothorax. The cephalothorax has an outwardly pointing shell which is also known as the carapace.

Meanwhile, the body or abdomen has six pairs of segments. Pleopods, or swimming legs, can be found on the first five segments of the abdomen. The last segment consists of a fan tail, which includes the uropods and telson, helping the shrimp swim and maintain balance.

Internal Morphology of Vannamei Shrimp

1. Digestive system

The vannamei shrimp’s digestive system comprises three parts. The first part, the foregut, starts at the mouth in the cephalothorax area. The second part or midgut stretches from the stomach to the sixth abdominal segment. The third part, the hindgut, has epithelial cells lined with cuticles and connects the midgut to the anus.

2. Respiratory system

Shrimp respire through gills, which are attached to the carapace in the cephalothorax. Aside from respiration, gills play a role in maintaining water and salt balance, ammonia secretion, and calcium uptake. Gills also filter and remove waste particles and bacteria.

3. Circulatory system

Shrimp have an open circulatory system, which means oxygen is transported throughout the body without blood vessels. Shrimp have a heart located dorsally in the cephalothorax. Hemolymph vessels leave the heart and branch out several times to reach the entire body.

4. Nervous system

Shrimp have a brain located at the back of the cephalothorax. The brain is connected to the ventral cord through two networks that pass through the esophagus. The brain serves as the main control center, connecting with all internal body parts. The central nervous system of shrimp is regulated by neurohormones released by several glands.

5. Reproductive system

Male shrimp have a pair of testes, vas deferens, and terminal ampullae. Spermatids are produced in the spermatogonia and mature in the seminiferous tubules. Meanwhile, female shrimp have a pair of elongated ovaries. Because shrimp have an external reproductive system, female shrimp have a genophore channel located on the third pair of walking legs (pereopods) to release eggs that are ready for fertilization.

Read more: Vannamei Shrimp Life Cycle: From Eggs to Adult Shrimp

6. Integumentary system

The integumentary or shell system of shrimp protects them from the surrounding environment and pathogens that may enter. Shrimp shell consists of cuticles made up of connective tissue, protein, carbohydrates, lipids, and calcium salts. However, the composition of shrimp shell may change depending on the molting phase.

Read more: Molting in Shrimp: Stages and How to Handle It [Important!]


The morphology of vannamei shrimp can be divided into external and internal morphology. External morphology is divided into two parts: the head and the body. Meanwhile, the internal morphology of shrimp consists of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, reproductive, and integumentary systems. All parts of the vannamei shrimp’s body play an important role in its growth and life cycle.

If you are interested in cultivating vannamei shrimp, make sure to regularly record and monitor your farming progress using JALA App. JALA App is a shrimp farm management application that is #HeretoHelp you take the best decision in your farm.

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Dugassa, H., & Gaetan, D. G. (2018). Biology of white leg shrimp, Penaeus vannamei: Review. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 10(2), 5-17.

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