Cultivation Tips

The ADG of Shrimp: An Easy Way to Measure Shrimp Weight Growth

Kalyca Krisandini
Kalyca Krisandini
12 January 2024
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ADG is one of the crucial parameters for successful shrimp farming and is directly linked to shrimp growth. From the ADG value, farmers can identify the weight growth of shrimp within a certain time period.

Apart from knowing the weight of the shrimp, farmers can use the ADG value as a determining factor to estimate feed needs and FCR. By knowing the ADG of shrimp, farmers can figure out the amount of feed needed to achieve harvest size.

Then, how do you calculate the ADG of shrimp? Find the answer in the discussion below.

What is the ADG of shrimp?

To begin with, you should understand what ADG is. ADG is Average Daily Gain or the average daily weight gain of shrimp in a certain time period. Farmers can use ADG to calculate the growth rate of shrimp. The higher the ADG value, the better the growth rate of shrimp. On the other hand, the lower the ADG value, the slower the growth rate.

ADG is a useful parameter to measure the effectiveness of farm management from various aspects. This is because ADG is determined by several factors in cultivation, including stocking density, feeding and water quality management, as well as disease control.

An overly high stocking density and improperly handled diseases may inhibit shrimp growth. Meanwhile, well-maintained water quality conditions and well-provided feed can boost shrimp growth.

How to calculate the ADG of shrimp?

Before calculating the ADG of shrimp, you need to identify ABW. ABW is Average Body Weight or the average weight of shrimp in a population calculated in a certain period. ABW is usually known after sampling.

Once ABW is identified, use the following formula to get ADG:

how to calculate ADG.png

Note: ADG = Average daily weight gain of shrimp ABWt = Final average weight (gram) ABW0 = Initial average weight (gram) H = Rearing period (day)

For example, Mr. Jali found that the average weight of his shrimp was 12.4 grams when he did sampling at DoC 85. Then, Mr. Jali did another sampling after 7 days and found that the average weight of his shrimp had increased to 14.5 grams. The ADG of Mr. Jali’s shrimp can be calculated using the following steps:

ABWt - ABW0 = 14.5 grams - 12.4 grams = 2.1 grams

ADG = 2.1 grams / 7 days = 0.3 grams/day

Based on the calculations, it was found that the ADG of Mr. Jali’s shrimp was 0.3 grams/day.

Let’s find the ADG of your shrimp on JALA App!

From the aforementioned discussion, the ADG of shrimp is the average daily weight gain of shrimp within a certain period. A high ADG value suggests a good shrimp growth rate and indirectly indicates farm productivity rate. To calculate ADG, subtract the initial average weight from the final average weight (in grams) then divide the result by the day of culture (in days).

To make it easier for you to find out the ADG of shrimp in your pond, JALA is #HeretoHelp with the chart feature in JALA App. In the chart, you can see the target, estimation, and actual ADG in a certain period. Make sure to regularly record data to ensure reliable results.

shrimp ADG graph

In addition to the ADG chart, you can also find various other features on JALA App dashboard which can definitely help you cultivate sustainably and productively. Download now on Google Play Store or App Store!


Rakhmanda, A., Pribadi, A., Parjiyo, & Wibisono, B. I. G. (2021). Production performance of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei with super-intensive culture on different rearing densities. Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia, 20(1), 56–64.

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