Every September, specifically on the 18th, is celebrated as World Water Monitoring Day. World Water Monitoring Day is a special day initiated by America’s Clean Water Foundation (ACWF), a non-profit organization that supports education, social involvement, and various programs to emphasize the importance of clean water for society.
World Water Monitoring Day has been observed worldwide since 2003. On this day, people are reminded of the importance of monitoring the quality of their drinking water to ensure its cleanliness. Various water quality parameters emphasized on this day include temperature, acidity, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen (DO).
The Importance of Water Quality Monitoring in Shrimp Cultivation
Aside from drinking water, water quality monitoring is also essential in shrimp farming. Water is the main media for shrimp survival and growth, and thus should be maintained at an ideal and stable quality. Although there are many water quality parameters, there are four physical parameters that are most crucial to shrimp namely temperature, DO, salinity, and pH. For these parameters, the recommended ranges are:
- Temperature: 28-32°C
- DO: at least 4 ppm
- Salinity: 15-30 ppt
- pH: 7.8-8.5
The condition of these four parameters provide a reflection of how the farm is doing, whether the cultivation is going well or needs more attention. Farmers are highly encouraged to monitor these parameter everyday.
JALA is #HeretoHelp Farmers Monitor Water Quality
As an end-to-end shrimp farming solution , JALA assists farmers in monitoring the water quality in their ponds through the products it offers. One of these products is JALA Baruno, an accurate, quick, and precise multiparameter water quality measurement device. Baruno measures the four most crucial parameters in pond water, and the measurement data is stored in the JALA cloud after water quality assessments. Measurements can also be conducted in up to 30 ponds with ease. Data is integrated with the next JALA solution: JALA App.
JALA App is a smart shrimp farm management application that helps farmers in recording, monitoring, and analyzing their cultivation efforts in one place. By regularly recording data such as water quality and other relevant information, farmers can better understand the conditions of their farm and make the best decisions for their cultivation. Moreover, JALA App is also available on mobile, allowing more convenient data recording at your fingertips with real-time progress monitoring.
As World Water Monitoring Day is celebrated all over the world this month, may this special day be a reminder of the importance of water quality for the shrimp cultivation industry, not just for a day or an occasion, but as a daily habit farmers need to adopt for a more productive and sustainable cultivation.