Shrimp Industry

Check Out 2022 Shrimp Prices and Off-takers at JALA

Wildan Gayuh Zulfikar
Wildan Gayuh Zulfikar
1 February 2023
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2022 was not a pleasant year for shrimp farmers. Shrimp prices were at an all-time low in the last four years, despite reaching its annual peak in the beginning of 2022. However, prices declined twice, once in May and then in October.

2022 eng.png Many issues contribute to the fall of shrimp prices in Indonesia and even worldwide. These factors originate from global market conditions, such as the competition from Ecuador shrimp and the shrimp demand from the US and China, which are two of Indonesia’s main export destinations. The US recession and increased COVID cases in China triggered the decreased shrimp demand, especially for larger sizes.

Larger shrimp sizes experienced the worst decline, especially for sizes 30 and 50. In the last four years, this is the first time when the price of large-sized shrimp only differed very slightly from medium-sized shrimp (size 70) and small-sized shrimp (size 100).

30 eng.png In the second half of 2022, the price of size 30 shrimp fell close to size 70 and 100. This was a dark time for farmers who targeted their harvest at this size. The higher production cost did not compare to the drastic decrease in shrimp prices.

100 eng.png For size 100 shrimp, the price was more stable within its normal range for the last four years. Approaching the end of 2022, prices slightly recovered and medium and large shrimp had a more reasonable price difference than before. Shrimp prices were predicted to increase up to the beginning of 2023 despite having a slower pace.

Shrimp price fluctuations were experienced by various regions in Indonesia

Aceh - North Sumatera

In Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh) and North Sumatera, shrimp prices reached their peak in March, and then reached an all-time low in early June with a slight recovery in July. However, prices declined again in September, especially for large shrimp (size 40 and 70). Towards the end of the year, shrimp prices slowly crawled back up.

West Java

West Java shrimp prices in early 2022 experienced a constant increase and reached its peak in mid-April. At that time, shrimp prices in size 100, 70, and 40 were Rp54.000, Rp71.000, and Rp93.000 per kg respectively. However, shrimp prices slowly declined until June. Although a slight recovery was seen at the end of June, the lowest point was witnessed in early July, reaching Rp41.000 for size 100, Rp56.000 for size 70, and Rp71.000 for size 40.

Central Java

A similar condition to West Java was experienced by Central Java. In early 2022, shrimp prices rose up to a peak, and then reached its lowest point in the third week of June, with another free-fall in mid-September.

East Java

The beginning of the year was a brighter time for all regions, including East Java. Shrimp prices still increased until a peak in April. Towards mid-May, shrimp prices fell, with a slight increase and then another decline in early June. Prices further declined in the second and third week of October.

Bali - NTB

Shrimp prices in Bali and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) were quite similar with East Java. In Bali, the prices were relatively lower, with a Rp500-Rp1.000 difference per size. NTB prices were even lower, ranging Rp1.000-Rp2.000 from East Java.

What are the factors that caused shrimp prices to fluctuate? How will the prices be in 2023? Read more in JALA’s Shrimp News: Shrimp Prices Declined in 2022, What About 2023?

The panic selling phenomenon among shrimp farmers

The decline in shrimp prices especially for larger sizes triggered panic selling among farmers, which urged them to harvest their shrimp in fear that the prices would decline further. However, this phenomenon caused prices to worsen.

Processing companies and exporters had an excess of shrimp, making harvest prices even lower. Off-takers should adjust to the condition, and supplier companies were bombarded by farmers eager to know the latest shrimp price updates. Some of them updated their prices at JALA App’s Shrimp Price feature.

Here are some off-takers and suppliers who regularly update shrimp prices on JALA App with a wide harvesting area. Let’s get to know them!

Budi - PDS Supplier

Areas: East Java (Jember, Banyuwangi, Situbondo, Probolinggo), NTB (Dompu, Sumbawa, Lombok Barat), and Bali. Budi determined prices for 1 tonne of harvest biomass. Harvest price for over 10 tonnes will be adjusted. For further negotiation, contact: +628123541xxx.

Ali Roziqin

Areas: Central Java (Kebumen) and East Java (Tuban, Probolinggo, Sampang, Gresik, Sumenep). Ali Roziqin offers cash payment after harvest. For further negotiation, contact: +6282127714xxx.

Putra Usahawan

Areas: West Java (Indramayu, Subang, Sukabumi) Putra Usahawan offers cash payment after harvest. For further negotiation, contact: +6285218466xxx.

Rio Ramadhan KDH

Areas: Lampung and some parts of West Java (Subang, Karawang, Sukabumi, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Cirebon) Rio offers cash payment after harvest. For further negotiation, contact: +6285724455xxx.


Areas: Aceh, North Sumatera, dan West Sumatera. Suwarno offers cash payment after harvest. For further negotiation, contact: +6281370601xxx.

Brayan Vaname

Areas: Central Java (Kebumen and Cilacap) Brayan Vaname offers cash payment after harvest. For further negotiation, contact: +6281225873xxx.

Tuan Budi

Areas: Tegal Tuan Budi offers cash payment after harvest with a minimum tonnage of 1 tonne. For further negotiation, contact: +6281216650xxx.

Aska Dwi Guna

Areas: Some parts of Bali - Bangli, Karang Asem, Buleleng, Badung, Klungkung, Tabanan, Jembrana, and Gianyar. Aska offers cash payment after harvest for certain sizes. For further negotiation, contact: +6281338711xxx.

Heri Parni Vanamai

Areas: East Java (Trenggalek and Pacitan) Herni offers cash payment after harvest. For further negotiation, contact: +6281393237xxx.

Panen Udang by JALA

One of the harvest off-takers with the widest area coverage is JALA’s official harvest service. Here are the areas covered by JALA’s Harvest team:

  • West Sumatera: Pariaman, Pesisir Selatan, Padang, Padang Pariaman
  • Lampung: Tanggamus, Lampung Selatan, Lampung Timur
  • Banten: Pandeglang, Lebak, Serang
  • West Java: Cirebon, Sukabumi, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Pangandaran, Cianjur
  • Central Java: Purworejo, Kebumen, Tegal, Kendal, Pemalang, Brebes
  • East Java: Sumenep, Pasuruan, Tuban
  • DIY
  • Bangka Belitung: Bangka Selatan, Bangka Tengah
  • South Sulawesi: Bulukumba, Bantaeng, Barru, Jeneponto, Takalar, Makassar JALA’s harvesting team offers cash payment after harvest. For further negotiation, contact: +6281274798xxx.

Other areas covered include Tulangbawang, Sibolga, Deli Serdang, Langkat, Banten, Pangandaran, Makassar, Bombana, and Pohuwanto. Check out JALA’s Shrimp Price feature through your web browser or the mobile version of JALA App on your Android or iOS.

You can also contribute to our shrimp price updates

1. Register your account

First, you need to create an account before updating shrimp prices. Visit, prepare your email address and mobile number for account verification. You will also be directed to create a farm or pond. Fill in with any basic information you have.



2. Visit Shrimp Price

After your account is created and verified, you can go to the Harga Udang feature on the app, or visit

3. Create the price and fill in the information

Click “ADD PRICE” to create a new price.

create shrimp price - en.jpg You will be directed to input information about your contact as an informant or harvest off-taker. Don’t forget to input your location and contact number.

create shrimp price 2 - en.jpg Fill in shrimp prices for the sizes you provide. The form allows you to fill prices for sizes 200 to 20, but feel free to fill in according to the sizes that you accept.

create shrimp price 3 - en.jpg

4. Claim verification to increase trust and broadcast to farmer groups

You can verify your account to gain the “blue check mark” to increase trust among farmers about your prices. Click the Facebook, Whats’App, or Telegram button to spread your shrimp price information to your network or farmer groups. Update prices regularly as thousands of farmers visit JALA’s Shrimp Price page every day!

Approaching the second month of 2023, every shrimp industry player hopes that shrimp prices will recover. Let us keep farming with high hopes and never forget the importance of recording data as a basis to make the most informed decisions about our cultivation. Don’t forget to contribute by updating shrimp prices at JALA!

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