JALA collaborated with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia to hold the Socialization of Digital Farmers 4.0 in Jembrana, Bali on June 20, 2022. The socialization, which was also attended by the Head of Jembrana Fisheries Service, focused on the use of digital technology to improve the welfare of Indonesian shrimp farmers.
The digital technology from JALA was introduced to the 35 shrimp farmers who attended this socialization. These farmers are the participants of Tebar by JALA program. Furthermore, the representatives of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Jembrana Regency Fisheries Service, and JALA also presented their respective focuses and aims in the shrimp farming industry.
Aquaculture, especially shrimp farms, is rapidly developing in Jembrana. The majority of farmers in Jembrana still used the traditional system. Therefore, the participants enthusiastically responded to this program. This is evidenced from the questions raised about the cultivation issues they are experiencing in the pond.
The participants of the socialization of digital farmers 4.0 in Jembrana
The vision of shrimp farming digitization
JALA, Kominfo, and KKP all have the same vision for developing the use of digital technology in shrimp farming activities. One of the objectives of this collaboration is to help achieve a 250 percent growth in national shrimp exports by 2024. Furthermore, all parties involved in the shrimp farming industry are expected to be more concerned with digitization or the use of technology to boost productivity.
JALA will provide assistance or technology implementation for cultivation in the Tebar by JALA program. It is a series of programs initiated by JALA that focuses on socialization, gathering, and assistance for shrimp farmers. This program will run for two cultivation cycles until November 2022. Through this series of programs, it is expected that farmers would be able to receive additional assistance in utilizing technology to implement better cultivation treatments.
End-to-end solution for shrimp farming by JALA
JALA has been actively assisting shrimp farmers in boosting aquaculture productivity through various solutions up to now. These solutions include aquaculture management apps, operational and management joint-cooperation, harvest services, broad market access, discussion space, and various assistance for farmers. JALA is highly committed to providing the best for the Indonesian shrimp industry through these various solutions.
How does the solution help the shrimp farmers? Find more of it at jala.tech.