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ShrimpHub: A Gathering Facility for Shrimp Farmer Groups

Kalyca Krisandini
Kalyca Krisandini
5 October 2022
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JALA has officially launched ShrimpHub, an activity center to help local farmer groups in learning and growing together. This activity center is one of JALA’s ways to pursue its vision in becoming the pioneer in shrimp cultivation solutions. JALA hopes that this facility will strengthen the bond between everyone involved in the shrimp industry. ShrimpHub started running officially after a ribbon cutting ceremony last Thursday, February 10 2022. The ribbon cutting was done by stakeholder representatives from the shrimp industry: JALA, Shrimp Club Indonesia (SCI), Dinas Perikanan Banyuwangi, and Balai Pelatihan dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (BPPP) Banyuwangi. Other attendees in the ceremony include shrimp farmer groups and representatives from the water laboratory, sales, and universities.

ShrimpHub Event

JALA also held a talk show with the topic “The Role of Community in Shrimp Industry Development in Banyuwangi” as part of the launch. During this talk show, Mr Yanuar of SCI Banyuwangi shared the issues faced by the shrimp industry in Banyuwangi, particularly AHPND. He recommended the attendees to regularly apply corrections per cycle when such issues were faced. Mr Raynalfie from JALA and Mr Alif Rahman K. from Dinas Perikanan Banyuwangi were also speakers in this event, while Mr Arif Habib Fasya of Airlangga University was the moderator.

A strong collaboration between all parties should always be prioritized to maintain a secure network in the shrimp industry cultivation. According to the Head of Dinas Perikanan Banyuwangi, this network should be continuously built by focusing on assistance for new shrimp farmers. He also wished that JALA could keep contributing to shrimp cultivation activities in Banyuwangi.

ShrimpHub Facilities

ShrimpHub has many facilities to give a better experience for farmer groups and shrimp industry players, such as a discussion and seminar room with 20 chairs, 5 tables, 1 board, LCD, and screen in the first floor, and a VIP meeting room for 10 people as well as a shrimp disease laboratory in the second floor. Looking at the urgency for the shrimp cultivation industry, shrimp farmers were expected to maintain optimum communication in ShrimpHub.

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