As a social creature, farmers also interact with each other. Sometimes with similar experiences and problems they end up in groups to help each other. From the small groups to form associations of farmers on a national scale are so familiar for shrimp farmers. The number of group members could be adjusted according to the size of the pond area, the level of cultivation technology, or based on the group's interests.
Groups could be formed on the basis of the common interests of the members. It could also be formed because of the same cultivation area. Grouping would make individuals in the group stronger, advanced, and prosperous.
What are the benefits of joining a farmers group?
Building solidarity
Groups of shrimp cultivators or farmers could be a place to help each other in planning and farming activities. From the period of preparation, maintenance, to harvesting could be on the side by side with the discussions, sharing concerns, discussing problems, and formulating the solutions together. The established relationship, especially with the closest colleagues, would build solidarity among fellow farmers as members of the group.
Routine activities have to be worked on for discussing the problems faced by the group. Group routines could form the exchanging experiences and thoughts among fellow members, often also seeking to solve problems that members face. Routine activities would maintain good communication between members.
Good communication is established when the group runs smoothly. Shrimp ponds are generally a business located in one area, for example located in a river as a water source or located in a coastal area. This means that the ponds which are neighbors to each other and success in the cultivation depends on good coordination. When communication is not well established, it is very possible that the area is not maintained. For example, there are parties who do disposal of discultivation waste when their neighbors are fetching water, and some other variances of detrimental phenomena.
The point is this group would always try to work together in reducing the risk of failure by controlling the disposal, addition, or replacement of water. They prevent the spread of disease from contact with the same water source, namely by controlling the disposal, addition, and replacement of water.
Learning tools
Learning is the most important component for humans to survive. Learning makes humans able to face and solve problems. The existence of a group could be a medium as a learning class for farmers. Through groups of farmers could increase knowledge, skills, and opportunities to grow and develop independent businesses.
Training would also be easier if there are cultivation groups that are often targeted. Training could manage cultivation standards and produce quality cultivation products. Through training, farmers could have the opportunity to obtain information related to the latest cultivation technology innovations, both from relevant services and other parties. Learning motivation would be getting higher when trying to solve the problems faced in the cultivation.
Developing business
Business connections and networks could also be obtained in groups. Through discussions in groups, farmers are not only concerned with the issues of cultivation techniques but also discussing better business management with high profits. Farmers in groups have the opportunity to develop a business scale with their groups. Improve mindset and work patterns. Not only learn to do cultivation to harvest, but also produce good quality products and earn profits.
Groups could also be a medium to build cooperation. The existence of a group could strengthen the cooperation of fellow farmers in groups, between groups, or with other parties. Cooperation could be expected as a medium to find solutions to problems, challenges, obstacles, or to seek opportunities for growing businesses in a better direction. The groups are expected to ease the farmers in getting access to support from various parties.
The participation of group members is also important to note. Good participation would support each group activity. Regular meetings and democratic discussions would increase the participation of group members.
Farmers who are still on a small scale are more prone to failure because each obstacle would be faced by themselves. It is different when you are already in a group, so there is a place to exchange experiences and help each other face the obstacles.
The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is also encouraging more cultivation groups to be formed because it would make it easier to control. The groups would also facilitate guidance from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, especially in accessing the capital assistance. Groups could be authorized by the local government and receive guidance from the local Marine and Fisheries Service.