The benefits of ZA fertilizer for shrimp ponds should be considered for optimizing pond conditions. Sufficient nutrition from ZA fertilizer can promote growth, stabilize plankton, suppress vibrio growth, and prevent disease.
What is ZA Fertilizer?
ZA (Zwavelzure Ammoniak) fertilizer is an inorganic fertilizer containing ammonium sulfate that is widely used in agriculture to boost nitrogen and sulfur levels. However, with the proper dosage, this fertilizer can be utilized as a treatment in shrimp farming.
4 Benefits of ZA Fertilizer for Shrimp Ponds
ZA fertilizer has several key benefits for shrimp ponds, including
- Increase the growth of plankton or natural food
- Controlling the balance and stability of plankton
- Helping to suppress the growth of vibrio
- Helping to prevent the emergence of disease
Examples of ZA Fertilizer Application
In shrimp farming, ZA fertilizer can be applied directly into the pond. For example, when you want to prevent the emergence of White Feces Disease and control water color stability. Apply molasses at a dose of 2-5% of total feed twice a week. Then, apply ZA fertilizer at a dose of 2-5 ppm each week.
To suppress vibrio growth, activate the Bacillus sp. probiotic in a 20-liter bucket filled with pond water. Add 0.5 liters of molasses with 200 grams of ZA fertilizer. Measure the pH of the mixture. If the pH is 6, add 200 grams of lime to get it to 7.
ZA fertilizer is a type of inorganic fertilizer that can help to improve the shrimp pond ecosystem. This fertilizer can promote plankton growth, control its stability, suppress vibrio growth, and prevent the emergence of disease.
ZA fertilizer application is one of beneficial shrimp cultivation treatments. To identify the treatment results, you need to record each treatment regularly in the JALA App, a shrimp farm management application developed by JALA.
Besides accommodating cultivation recording, JALA App also allows you to
- Monitor daily cultivation conditions
- Analyze cultivation performance
- View the biomass, feed, and harvest estimates
- View the current shrimp price trends
- Monitor moon phases to anticipate molting
- and many more!
Interested in using JALA App? Start today by registering at app.jala.tech and downloading the mobile application from the Google Play Store or App Store.
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