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Monitor Your Cost per Pond and Calculate per Pond Efficiency

Wildan Gayuh Zulfikar
Wildan Gayuh Zulfikar
11 June 2023
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To properly manage farm finances, every farm owner needs to evaluate the production cost when considering their expenses. Cultivation cost and efficiency calculations are often done specifically up to per pond cost. Such calculations help anticipate loss of financial control up to per pond level.

Knowing the cost per pond helps farmers easily and quickly identify the cost developments in each pond throughout the cultivation or after the end of every cycle. Many farm owners are used to having cost per pond reports, as cost per pond serves as an important information in decision making.

Acknowledging those needs, JALA App has released an additional feature as part of the shrimp farm financial management feature. JALA App users who use the Financial feature no longer have to calculate their cost per pond manually on Excel.

What you get in the Monitor Cost per Pond feature

  1. Monitor the income from every pond’s harvest
  2. Monitor the expense from each pond in terms of cultivation inputs such as feed, treatment, administration, and many more
  3. Monitor the net income for each pond, after the expenses have been subtracted from the gross harvest income

How to use the Monitor Cost per Pond feature

To use the Monitor Cost per Pond feature, make sure that you have upgraded to PRO Cycle which gives access to the financial feature. Also, make sure you have an existing income or expense financial transaction record.

  1. Scroll to the financial menu and choose the ‘Report’ feature
  2. Change the report view to ‘Report Book Display’. You can find this option on the top right, under your account profile icon biaya-per-kolam-2-en.png

  3. Choose the pond you want to monitor, then scroll down to view income, expense, and total income details

pemasukan-en.png View pond income summary

pengeluaran-en.png View pond expense and total income

  1. You can also filter the displayed data based on the month by using the month filter pilih kolam-en.png

Aim to always record the latest input and expense to get accurate and actual reports for your cost per pond.

With more comprehensive and detailed financial reports which now include the cost per pond, farmers no longer need to make rough estimations to make decisions down to the pond level. Farmers can now access actual data from the reports provided by JALA App to determine the best course of action to take.

Furthermore, the financial feature in JALA App is synchronized with the cultivation feature (feed recording, treatments, etc.) and the Stock/Inventory feature, helping farmers obtain real-time financial reports throughout the course of cultivation.

With this feature, JALA is #HeretoHelp you in monitoring expenses and income from each pond. What are you waiting for? Upgrade your JALA App account to PRO Cycle and enjoy various features for a more professional pond management. Manage your farm finances better with JALA!

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