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Get Instant Calculations of Cultivation Parameters Easily in JALA App

Kalyca Krisandini
Kalyca Krisandini
27 September 2024
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Manual calculations for shrimp farming parameters are time-consuming and potentially inaccurate. In truth, taking the right decisions in farming also depends on reliable data calculations.

Understanding these challenges, we are #HeretoHelp with a new feature on JALA App mobile: the Calculate Cultivation Feature. This feature is an ideal solution for you who need quick calculations of cultivation parameters such as biomass, Survival Rate (SR), daily feed, and many others.

How to Use the Calculate Cultivation Feature

The Calculate Cultivation Feature operates similarly to a calculator that can calculate automatically. The difference is that you do not need to input a formula because JALA App will provide the results once you tap the “Calculate” button.

For further details, follow these steps below:

  1. On the JALA App mobile homepage, select the “Calculate Cultivation” icon.
  2. Choose the parameter category you want to calculate. Fitur Hitung Budidaya - EN.png

  3. Input the values in the required parameter fields.
  4. Tap the “Calculate” button.
  5. See the calculation results in the “Calculation results” section.
  6. If you want to view the calculation method, tap the “Learn more about (category name) calculations here”. Fitur Hitung Budidaya 1 - EN.png

For example, if you want to know the amount of product required, you must choose the product type and input the pond size, water level, and dosage. After that, tap the “Calculate” button. The results will be displayed in the “Calculation results” section.

Parameters that can be calculated in the Calculate Cultivation Feature

The Calculate Cultivation Feature allows you to acquire seven parameter calculations. Here's the explanation:

Cultivation Performance

The calculation of shrimp population, biomass, FCR, and SR is one of the keys to ensuring optimal shrimp development and cultivation efficiency. These data enable farmers to track shrimp health and take the right action.

The calculation of these four parameters is available in the Calculate Cultivation Feature, specifically in the Shrimp Performance section. If you want to get the results of all four calculations, fill out each field completely. This page’s fields include daily feed, ABW, FR, cumulative feed, and initial stocking amount.

Daily feed

Ensuring the accuracy of daily feed calculations benefits both shrimp health and farm cost efficiency. You can avoid wasting feed while reducing operational costs.

Daily feed calculations are also available in the Calculate Cultivation Feature. You can get the amount of feed per day by inputting the initial stocking amount, ABW, FR, and SR in the available fields.

Product amount

In shrimp farming, it is crucial to apply appropriate dosages of products such as disinfectants and probiotics. Incorrect dosage, whether too little or too much, may have negative effects on both water quality and shrimp health.

Therefore, the Calculate Cultivation Feature includes the calculation of product dosage amount. Select the product type, then input the pond area, water level, and dosage in ppm. You will receive the amount of product needed.

Ammonia (NH₃) levels

Ammonia (NH₃) is a toxic compound produced by the decomposition of residual feed and organic matter in ponds. This compound can damage shrimp gills and cause stress and death to shrimp. Ammonia’s hazard level increases as pH and temperature rise.

In the Calculate Cultivation Feature, you can discover the ammonia levels as well as its toxicity level in the pond. Input the temperature, pH, and TAN values in the fields provided.

View calculation methods

The Calculate Cultivation Feature allows you to view the calculation method of each category. In the “Learn more about (category name) calculations here” section, you will find the formula and description of each factor that influences the parameter.

Use JALA App for more effective cultivation management

Calculating cultivation parameters automatically is just one of the many benefits you can get from JALA App. In addition to this feature, you can record and monitor each parameter's conditions in real time. JALA App also enables you to analyze cultivation performance to make the best decisions.

Enjoy the full benefits of Calculate Cultivation Feature by updating JALA App on your mobile phone. If you haven’t signed up, download the app from Google Play Store or App Store. Let’s do better in cultivation!

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