After its official launch on August 15, 2022, ShrimpHub Jembrana, JALA’s community for shrimp industry players, held a gathering with the theme “WSSV and AHPND Disease Prevention and Management for Vannamei Shrimp Farming.” This gathering was held as a collaboration between JALA and Kominfo on August 23-24, 2022.
The gathering took place in ShrimpHub Jembrana, Ruko Mashab No.02, Jl. Danau Kalimutu, Kel. Lelateng, Kec. Negara, Kab. Jembrana. 64 shrimp farmers attended the gathering and were split into 5 groups. Due to the large number of participants, the event was held in 2 consecutive days.
WSSV and AHPND are two diseases that threaten shrimp farms. WSSV (White Spot Syndrome Virus) causes white spots to appear on shrimps and may cause 100% fatality in 3-10 days. AHPND (Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease), on the other hand, causes total absence of food in shrimps’ gut and black spots on the hepatopancreas. This disease may also cause fatality in 10 days. Both diseases fatally impact farm productivity without proper management.
Thus, ShrimpHub Jembrana aims to educate the importance of prevention and management for both diseases in vannamei shrimp farms to increase farming success.
JALA hopes that the farmers at ShrimpHub Jembrana may understand the importance of WSSV and AHPND prevention and management and have more initiative in preventing the occurrence of these diseases in their shrimp. Farmers are also expected to implement proper control measures for shrimp that show early clinical symptoms as well as special treatments after the diseases have been detected.
Getting to Know ShrimpHub
ShrimpHub Jembrana is the third community that JALA has launched after ShrimpHub Banyuwangi and Purworejo. Shrimp farmers can improve their knowledge on shrimp farming from expert practitioners in this community.
If you are a shrimp farmer or are part of the industry in Jembrana, and would like to expand your knowledge and network, feel free to join ShrimpHub Jembrana or contact JALA at 0813-2551-4194. Gather, learn, and grow together at ShrimpHub!
Read more: Welcoming ShrimpHub Jembrana: JALA’s Third Learning Space for the Shrimp Industry