The shrimp farmers assistance by JALA is a tangible manifestation of JALA’s support for the Indonesian shrimp industry. This assistance is provided to farmers who are struggling to increase the productivity of their ponds. JALA collaborates with local farmer groups in its implementation.
JALA conducted one of its farmer assistance programs in mid-2021. The shrimp farmers were mentored in Banyuwangi, East Java, in collaboration with the Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center of Jepara (Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau or BBPBAP Jepara). At that time, the participants were a group of local shrimp farmers in Banyuwangi.
Besides increasing shrimp farming productivity, JALA aspires to provide shrimp farming training to smallholder farmers so that they can understand and use technology. Through the assistance program by JALA, farmers can utilize technology and data in cultivating. The assistance is presented as implementing the biosecurity system, providing technological facilities, and upgrading farms to semi-intensive.
The positive impact of shrimp farmers assistance
This assistance has a positive impact on the farmers who were assisted. One example is the shrimp farmers assistance held by JALA and BBPBAP Jepara in mid-2021 which has been mentioned above. Farmers managed to increase production by one ton in one pond from 200-500 kgs previously. This accomplishment is in line with one of JALA’s goals, which is to increase pond productivity. Apart from that, the cultivation period has been doubled, with shrimp sizes reaching 92.
JALA’s assistance for shrimp farmers has also been successful in reaching other goals, in addition to increasing productivity and cultivation period. The goal is a personal approach or thought alignment with the farmers. Farmers have also implemented biosecurity, monitoring, and cultivation principles.
Although it might be regarded to have a positive impact, the shrimp farmers assistance program by JALA is inseparable from a number of challenges. These challenges are related to the condition of the farms, such as ponds that need to be restored and lack electricity. Weather also often becomes an obstacle since it is related to fluctuations in the salinity of pond water.
The achievement of shrimp farmers assistance program
JALA has provided assistance to 200 farmers until April 2022. This program has already been conducted in several Indonesian regions, including Banyuwangi, Pemalang, Purworejo, Cilacap, Cirebon, and Jembrana. JALA hopes that assistance programs for shrimp farmers like this one would continue to benefit shrimp farmers.
JALA welcomes those who are interested in learning more about the assistance program for shrimp farmers and collaborating on the application of technology in shrimp farming. You can reach JALA through email at contact@jala.tech or by WhatsApp at +62 813-2551-4194.
The assistance program by JALA is provided not only in the field, but also in the form of learning sessions with cultivation practitioners held at ShrimpHub by JALA. ShrimpHub by JALA is a learning and sharing center in Purworejo for farmers and other shrimp stakeholders. If you happen to live nearby, you can visit ShrimpHub by JALA and attend the activities held there.