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Get to Know the Selling Price Prediction of Your Shrimp Accurately with Private Shrimp Price Feature

Kalyca Krisandini
Kalyca Krisandini
26 May 2023
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Shrimp farmers must be aware of the prediction of the selling price of harvested shrimp as early as possible. By being aware of price predictions, farmers can estimate the ideal price and avoid mistakes that result in loss in determining prices.

As a technology solution for shrimp farming management, JALA App comes with a Shrimp Selling Price Prediction feature that makes them know the shrimp selling price prediction. This feature helps farmers in calculating the selling price prediction of harvested shrimp using personal prices set by the user themself. To improve prediction accuracy, farmers are currently able to use self-made pricing references. This function has been accommodated in a new feature, namely the Private Shrimp Price Feature.

Private Shrimp Price Feature also becomes a solution for farmers who are unable to find price estimates in their area in the Shrimp Price Feature. The shrimp price that the farmer adds will be kept private and only available for usage by the farmer. This update will further assist farmers in making decisions.

How to Use Private Shrimp Price Feature

Follow these steps to optimize the use of the Private Shrimp Price Feature:

Tutorial Private Shrimp Price - EN.png

  1. On the homepage of JALA App for mobile, select Sell Price.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select the Private Shrimp Price option and fill in the form manually as needed.
  4. Select Save.

Price prediction has been successfully made automatically based on personal price and you can already see price prediction as you need.

Private Shrimp Price Feature can be used for free on JALA App for Mobile. Enjoy the convenience of seeing shrimp price prediction in your area anytime and anywhere, right from your fingertips. It’s more practical!

Let’s update your JALA App to enjoy the benefits of this feature. Download it on Google Play Store or App Store and start cultivating better.

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