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Security and other
Security and other
Does JALA have a data security policy?

Yes, JALA has a data security policy which can be accessed at jala.tech/id/privacy-policy

How do I limit other user accounts on my farm?

You can restrict other users' accounts by removing previously added users. To delete a user, follow these steps:

  1. On Home, select farm settings
  2. Select the Granted Users tab
  3. In the Role section, click the down arrow until you find the Delete option
  4. Select Delete then Ok
How do I change my account information?

Follow these steps to change your account information:

  1. Click the user icon in the upper right corner of the display
  2. Select Profile
  3. In the General information section, select Edit
  4. Make changes as desired
  5. Select Save
Can I see the activity history of other accounts?

No, you cannot.