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Health check and diagnosis service for shrimp diseases
What types of diseases can be checked at JALA Lab?

There are 4 types of disease, namely AHPND/EMS, EHP, IMNV/Myo, and WSSV.

How much does it cost to check for shrimp disease at JALA Lab?

The cost of checking the disease is IDR 250,000/disease.

How is the sample delivery system to JALA Lab?

Delivery is done independently. If it is close to the ShrimpHub location, the sample sender can ask the ShrimpHub admin for help with the shipping process, provided that the shipping costs are handled by the sample sender. If the delivery takes more than 1 day, the shrimp or fry sample should be put in a bottle containing 70% alcohol solution. Meanwhile, if the delivery time is only 1 day, the shrimp or fry sample can be sent in fresh condition.

How long will it take to check the results?

The results of checking 4 diseases can be obtained within 3 hours after the sample is received, based on the number of samples sent and the order in which the samples are processed.

Where can samples be sent?

Samples can be sent to ShrimpHub by JALA Banyuwangi, Ruko Mendut Regency No. 8, Jl. Attorney General Suprapto, Giri, Banyuwangi.