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Account settings
Account settings
Will JALA provides guide the use of the application?

Yes, JALA will guide the use of the application through pop ups that appear the first time you use the application. If you need a live demo, you can contact our Customer Service at +62 813 2551 4194.

New account creation: what documents do I need to open a new account?

No special documents are required when creating a new account. You will only be asked to enter your email and password.

Is my account charged?

Your account will be charged only if you use the paid/premium version of JALA App (JALA App Pro).

How to add account users?

Follow these steps to add account users:

  1. On Home, select farm settings
  2. Select the Granted Users tab
  3. Select Add Member
  4. Input the account's email, description, and user role
  5. Select Invite
What are the functions of the different user roles?

There are 5 user roles and all of them have different functions. The five roles include:

  • Owner – has all access including modifying and removing other users' access
  • Admin – has access to cultivation, finance, and stock
  • Pond operators and staff – have access to culture data and reports only
  • Laborant – has access to cultivation data, particularly operations and water quality
  • Viewer – can only view cultivation data and analysis charts