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Join ShrimpHub
Join ShrimpHub
A center for all parties in the shrimp industry to gather, learn, and grow
How to become a member of the ShrimpHub by JALA community?

Farmers must record cultivation data in the JALA App for 2 cycles.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

Farmers will get merchandise from JALA and become priority participants in programs held by JALA.

Where is ShrimpHub by JALA located?

ShrimpHub by JALA is spread across 3 locations, which are Banyuwangi, Purworejo and Jembrana.

What is Shrimp Farm Expert (Jagoan Tambak)?

Shrimp Farm Expert is a ShrimpHub membership program that allows farmers to access all activities on ShrimpHub by JALA, especially consulting and sharing cultivation. This program is a form of JALA's appreciation to farmers who routinely record and monitor cultivation on the JALA App.

How to register as a Shrimp Farm Expert?

To register as a Shrimp Farm Expert, simply show the registration of 2 active cultivation cycles on the JALA App at the nearest ShrimpHub.

What are the benefits of joining ShrimpHub?

By joining ShrimpHub, you will gain access to various activities held there, for example discussions about cultivation.

Can farmers participate in ShrimpHub's agenda for free?

Yes, farmers can join ShrimpHub's agenda for free.

Can farmers from different cities/regencies still join the nearest ShrimpHub?

Yes, ShrimpHub is open to anyone who wants to join, even from a different city/regency.

Who can join ShrimpHub?

Farmers, cultivation experts, shrimp industry actors, academics, and governments can join ShrimpHub.

What activities does ShrimpHub do?

Various activities carried out by ShrimpHub includes

  • Regular discussions about cultivation
  • Guyub or gathering
  • Public lecture