Lihat semua peran
Production Controller Supervisor
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Coordinating the production process end-to-end including controlling the process flow starting from purchasing to the distribution process.
Peran & Tanggung jawab
  • Coordinating the production process end-to-end including controlling the process flow starting from purchasing RM, providing other supporting materials to the distribution process out of CS so that a product is obtained that is maintained in quality, quantity and efficient production time in accordance with the planning (timeline)
  • Carry out efficiency in every aspect of production including budget planning and budget control for the production department
  • Manage all labor activities in the production process, including maintenance of work equipment and coordination of daily tasks of production staff and conducting regular production reports to relevant superiors
  • Set production targets based on sales needs and ensure targets are achieved both in quality and quantity
  • Formulate strategies and policies related to achieving work targets for the production department
  • Identify assessment aspects and hazard impacts in the tooling selection process and other collaborations related to the production department
  • Take important decisions related to production activities
  • Maintain effective cooperative relationships with other departments and other companies collaborating under the production department
Keterampilan & Kemampuan
  • Bachelor’s degree from reputable university majoring in any major
  • At least 3 years of working experience in the related field
  • Have good and smooth communication skills
  • Have a leadership spirit
  • Able to work individually and in teams well
  • Good analytical thinking and strong problem solving skills
  • Good skill in presentation and experience in KPI presentation
  • Familiar with SAP
Tahapan Rekrutmen
  1. HR Interview
  2. User Interview
  3. Psychological Assessment
Asuransi Kesehatan
Dukungan wajib yang kami berikan melalui BPJS Kesehatan dan tambahan dari asuransi swasta (khusus karyawan tetap).
Tunjangan Ketenagakerjaan
Mengakomodasi jaminan ketenagakerjaan melalui program BPJSTK.
Skema Bonus Tahunan
Berlaku untuk seluruh staf dengan nilai hingga 10% dari gaji (*S&K berlaku).
Sistem Kerja Hybrid
Kesempatan untuk bekerja dari kantor atau dari manapun (*S&K berlaku).
Pengembangan Karyawan
Mendorong setiap warga JALA untuk terus berkembang dengan menyediakan kelas kelas dan diskusi menarik di berbagai bidang.
Acara Menyenangkan
Agenda bulanan untuk menjaga mood dan kenyamanan bekerja dan ber-Warga JALA.
Tertarik dengan posisi ini?
Tentang JALA
JALA adalah perusahaan teknologi di industri akuakultur yang mengembangkan solusi untuk meningkatkan produksi, profitabilitas, dan keberlanjutan akuakultur. Produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan JALA diimplementasikan dalam seluruh proses budidaya hingga rantai pasok industri. JALA memberikan solusi end-to-end, mulai dari tahap perencanaan, akses permodalan, operasi budidaya, penanganan panen, pembukaan akses pasar, dan memastikan seluruh proses mengutamakan keberlanjutan.
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